[MapProxy] mapproxy and S3
James Sewell
2018-02-08 03:49:32 UTC
Hi all,

I am using Mapproxy 1.12.0a with a fully seeded tile cache stored on Amazon
S3. I'm running Mapproxy on EC2 instances which are using an IAM role.

I have a cache directive as follows:

format: image/png
request_format: image/png
grids: [ "EPSG:3857" ]
sources: []
minimize_meta_requests: true
type: s3
directory: TileCache3857/Carto/
bucket_name: cache
directory_layout: arcgis

I have a few questions:

1. How do I attach an on_error section (as seen in a source usually) to
this? I don't have a source, but if someone zooms in too far I'd like to
set the colour etc..

2. How do I switch IAM role - I'm using cross-account S3 so I can't assign
the correct role on instance start.

Thanks for the help,

James Sewell,
*Chief Architect*

Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
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Oliver Tonnhofer
2018-02-15 09:22:13 UTC

you can create a dummy tile source that references a local file (IIRC `url: file:///path/to/tile`).

For IAM role, please check out the documentation of Boto3. Not sure if it supports what you want to do.

Oliver Tonnhofer | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG | https://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services | https://maps.omniscale.com
Post by James Sewell
Hi all,
I am using Mapproxy 1.12.0a with a fully seeded tile cache stored on Amazon S3. I'm running Mapproxy on EC2 instances which are using an IAM role.
format: image/png
request_format: image/png
grids: [ "EPSG:3857" ]
sources: []
minimize_meta_requests: true
type: s3
directory: TileCache3857/Carto/
bucket_name: cache
directory_layout: arcgis
1. How do I attach an on_error section (as seen in a source usually) to this? I don't have a source, but if someone zooms in too far I'd like to set the colour etc..
2. How do I switch IAM role - I'm using cross-account S3 so I can't assign the correct role on instance start.
Thanks for the help,
James Sewell,
Chief Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
P (+61) 2 8099 9000 W www.jirotech.com F (+61) 2 8099 9099
The contents of this email are confidential and may be subject to legal or professional privilege and copyright. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses or other defects. If you have received this communication in error, you may not copy or distribute any part of it or otherwise disclose its contents to anyone. Please advise the sender of your incorrect receipt of this correspondence._______________________________________________
MapProxy mailing list
James Sewell
2018-02-15 12:50:50 UTC

Seems the S3 stuff is pretty broken in MapProxy for this use case.

I’ve made some updates which speed up the cache considerably (at the moment
it’s a boot session per tile I think) and expose some extra settings
(region name, max http pool connections) to make things easier.

I’ll PR next week.

James Sewell
Post by Oliver Tonnhofer
you can create a dummy tile source that references a local file (IIRC
`url: file:///path/to/tile`).
For IAM role, please check out the documentation of Boto3. Not sure if it
supports what you want to do.
Oliver Tonnhofer | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG | https://omniscale.com
OpenStreetMap WMS and tile services | https://maps.omniscale.com
Post by James Sewell
Hi all,
I am using Mapproxy 1.12.0a with a fully seeded tile cache stored on
Amazon S3. I'm running Mapproxy on EC2 instances which are using an IAM
Post by James Sewell
format: image/png
request_format: image/png
grids: [ "EPSG:3857" ]
sources: []
minimize_meta_requests: true
type: s3
directory: TileCache3857/Carto/
bucket_name: cache
directory_layout: arcgis
1. How do I attach an on_error section (as seen in a source usually) to
this? I don't have a source, but if someone zooms in too far I'd like to
set the colour etc..
Post by James Sewell
2. How do I switch IAM role - I'm using cross-account S3 so I can't
assign the correct role on instance start.
Post by James Sewell
Thanks for the help,
James Sewell,
Chief Architect
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
P (+61) 2 8099 9000 W www.jirotech.com F (+61) 2 8099 9099
The contents of this email are confidential and may be subject to legal
or professional privilege and copyright. No representation is made that
this email is free of viruses or other defects. If you have received this
communication in error, you may not copy or distribute any part of it or
otherwise disclose its contents to anyone. Please advise the sender of your
incorrect receipt of this
Post by James Sewell
MapProxy mailing list
James Sewell,
*Chief Architect*

Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
*P *(+61) 2 8099 9000 <javascript:void(0);> *W* www.jirotech.com *F *
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