[MapProxy] Layer becomes black
Gerald Kogler
2018-05-02 09:09:49 UTC
I have the same issue. Update to Pillow 5.1.0 didn't fix it, which
version of Pillow solved your problem?
Updating Pillow to latest version did the trick.
Faced with the very strange issue.
I have the following configuration: source as MapServer WMS (TIF
raster) -> MapProxy -> WMS Service.
If MaProxy requests extent which not contains any data then I get
black image, otherwise all works as expected.
grids: [webmercator]
sources: ['mapserver:bfa']
type: sqlite
type: mapserver
featureinfo: true
map: /opt/mapserver/mapfile.map
transparent: true
Any thoughts?
Travis Kirstine
2018-05-03 21:59:36 UTC
I have a similar setup without the issue however I declare the format
Hope this helps. BTW I would double check that your source WMS service
isn't generating the black data, sometimes the nodata in the tiffs can be
incorrect or the MapServer offset value could be incorrect
base_dir: /opt/caches
lock_dir: /opt/locks
paletted: false
jpeg_quality: 80
mode: RGBA
transparent: true
type: wms
url: http://foobar.com/cgi-bin/service?
version: 1.0.0
featureinfo: true
featureinfo_format: application/vnd.ogc.gml
supported_srs: ['EPSG:3857','EPSG:900913','EPSG:4326','EPSG:4269']
concurrent_requests: 4
supported_formats: ['image/jpeg','image/png']
bbox: [-10592453.1057418, 5113361.84195586, -8275939.84644254,
srs: 'EPSG:3857'
grids: [spherical_mercator]
sources: ['mapserver_wms:PARK']
meta_buffer: 256
meta_size: [4,4]
format: image/png
type: riak
- host: riak.foobar
bucket: PARK
secondary_index: true
- name: PARK
title: 'Parks and Nature Reserves'
sources: ['mapserver_wms:PARK']
tile_sources: [some_cache]
Post by Gerald Kogler
I have the same issue. Update to Pillow 5.1.0 didn't fix it, which
version of Pillow solved your problem?
Updating Pillow to latest version did the trick.
On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 3:24 AM, Denis Rykov <rykovd at gmail.com>
Faced with the very strange issue.
I have the following configuration: source as MapServer WMS (TIF
raster) -> MapProxy -> WMS Service.
If MaProxy requests extent which not contains any data then I get
black image, otherwise all works as expected.
grids: [webmercator]
sources: ['mapserver:bfa']
type: sqlite
type: mapserver
featureinfo: true
map: /opt/mapserver/mapfile.map
transparent: true
Any thoughts?
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